
EDUEASE is an online digital platform that aims to provide cheap and affordable learning materials to students in Africa, piloting in West Africa (Nigeria). It will also aims to have audio books to help visually impaired students have access to learning materials.

Problem: students across west Africa often cannot afford to buy their school curriculum needed textbooks. Therefore they attend classes without any learning materials. Hard copies of books are expensive and difficult to access all across the region.

EduEase solution is to build an app/website to help students in Africa have affordable and easy access to learning materials. EduEase aims also not to leave the visually impaired students behind.

Planned Services: buying/renting digital books, audiobooks, gamification with educational quizzes, video tutorials and online group classroom.


Elisha Olukanni CEO EduEAse

Elisha Olukanni CEO EduEAse


Elisha Olukanni
CEO EduEase



More info: – under development now



Main Area(s) of collaboration with theSPACE and AIESEC Alumni:

  • Office space, Office supplies and other equipment,
  • Website hosting and creation,
  • Digital content creation,
  • Intense Business Coaching/Mentoring,
  • Training on your field of business,
  • Marketing Consulting,
  • Accounting & Finance Consulting,
  • Other operational consulting – regarding IT, app development, publishing industry etc.



Date published

January 6, 2021