Donate Your Time

There are 2 main parts anyone can join in: share your knowledge with incubated entities or join in the operation team of theSPACE as a volunteer.

1. Sharing your Expertise

Bellow you can find some of the event’s we organised for our incubated entities with the support of theSPACE International Experts.

How can you share your expertise?

Read more about our 4 key knowledge transfer activities:

NOTE: If you are already on our monthly newsletter, just send us an email that you wish to be activated on one of the below mentioned activities so we can arrange it according to current needs.

  1. Coaching: a generalist who stays in close contact with one CEO each month a few hours to plan, evaluate and track their overall business progress. Duration: min. 6 months, min 2 hours a month
  2. Mentoring: someone who stays in close contact with one CEO each month a few hours to support their personal development. Duration: min. 6 months, min 3 hours a month
  3. Training: someone who facilitates training/workshops on one or a variety of topics once a while or regularly. Duration: min 1 occasion 
  4. Consulting: a specialist who gives advice or brainstorm together with CEOs on their concerns or issues regarding a specific part of their business. Duration: min. 2 workshops (assessment and advising)

If you are interested to join our knowledge sharing activities as a Volunteer Expert please sign up here in a 2 minutes survey where you can add in your preferences.

Even if you are available only once in the next year, we encourage you to join our growing community of 65 Volunteers.

2. Operation Team

Based on our plan, we would like to set up 5 project teams to support the Director Team (of 4) to reach these goals.It would be on a volunteer basis, for 2-3 months duration, in any availability starting with 2 hours a month.

From a monthly few hours, you could really make a difference in the life of theSPACE ngo.

Project Teams and what tasks we need your help in:

  1. Admin Team – working in Accounting and Project Management software, creating reports, balance sheets, income statements, and plan budgets based on projected sale figures. Assist all teams in managing projects in the software, create guidelines, realized budgets, and send out invoices.
  2. Measure of Impact Team – optimizing and running current MoI System which is built up mainly from trackers, incubated entity baseline surveys, and satisfaction surveys, with moderate success in receiving up-to-date data. Ensure the transition of incubated entities from minimal information recording to proper data management and regular evaluations, especially the Measure of Success monthly tracker.
  3. Incubation Program Team – create the 3 years incubation program, break it into sections and set up milestones, align with the current operational activities, educate all stakeholders and create guidelines. Build a sustainable framework that is aligned with the needs of stakeholders and the goals, vision and mission of theSPACE ngo. 
  4. Training Program Team – prepare training cycle, support HR director in event organizing (monthly 2 training) and liaising with trainers, motivate incubated entities to participate, and create income through Eventbrite sales in collaboration with Marketing Director. Also potentially curate Video Library and sell access to training materials. 
  5. Donor Relationship Team –  create campaigns that can engage with theSPACE and AIESEC Alumni network, support the creation and operation of our profiles on these platforms (gofundme, patreon) and generate donations (monthly operational wallet goal: €500 patreon, growth wallet goal: by June €2000), build satisfactory donor relations.